In order to use Instaright you need to have Instapaper account.
After Instapaper account has been set, one has to download Instaright from AMO site and install it.
On sucessful install, visit 'Tools' and then 'Options' from Firefox menu and find Instaright among installed addons.
Enter username from your Instapaper account. Instapaper allows you to set password optionally . So if you have set password for Instapaper account enter it. otherwise leave it empty.
Good. Instaright is set and ready for use.
Before you start, quick tip on Instaright modes. Instaright operates in three modes. Quotes from Instaright - Instapaper addon for Firefox page:
In first mode, helps you to bookmark links on page without visiting them. Just place your mouse over link and from contextual menu select Instapaper it. This mode makes your browsing experience better. Instaright decreases number of clicks, since existing bookmarklet misses possibility to Instapaper' links without opening.
Ilistrated example found be from this img:
Second mode maps Instapaper bookmarklet functionality. In this mode Instaright bookmarks current page by selecting 'Instapaper it' option from contextual menu. Make sure that mouse point on area that is not link, otherwise addon will act in fist mode.
Example that describes second mode:
Third mode give you possibility to bookmark text selection and associate it with current page. This mode is very useful, for huge articles or blog post where user interested in specific areas of article.
Example that describes third mode:
After this briefe introduction, you can have wider picture how to use Instaright Instapaper addon for Firefox
PS: If you have feature requests or bug reports please follow Get satisfaction for Instaright link.
Instaright Firefox addon for Instapapaer
Any chance of FireFox 4 support in the future?
ReplyDeleteFF4 is going through continual development and ever increasing list of changes. As soon as Mozilla presents RC we'll support it